Monday, July 27, 2009

FIRST ENTRY FROM A NEW MEMBER (Adri) OF THIS AMAZING BLOG>>>> I can hardly figure out the Spanish directions to add an entry to this blog. I'm in great shape... I have a feeling that most of these entries will be about my awkward and strange times in new places. As I have already told some, I have already had some real jewel experiences. I almost missed my first flight down here(Chile that is). Upon arrival I was fed way too much, and the first two meals consisted of hot dogs + accoutrement. I was blessed recently at a small church gathering for about 5 minutes by the daughter of the pastor. I was uncomfortable already and this did not help. I am a smidge too tall to go unnoticed here, and my hair color does not help. It's "freezing" here, (with everyone in their winter coats) but in reality only 65degF. The view from the plane of the sun rising over the Andes was breathtaking and I hope I get to make some nieve turns at PORTILLO yo! My host mother lives about 5 minutes from the beach, her cooking is way better than the hotdog preview. Her daughter is 23 and plays her guitar and sings on the bus to earn some plata. I'm learning fast that classroom Spanish in the United States does not suffice when actually abroad. Yikes.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

College Time

Kirstin (mini-Steph) is on her way to college as we speak. She is headed to Bozeman, land of boys and engineers. Can't believe she is this old! That means it was 10 years ago that I first left home for college at good ol' Utah State. Good luck Kirstin and don't study too much.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More summer, less work

I recently completed the longest walk of my life. That's right, I sweated and toiled my way through 14.5 miles EACH way. Kendra and Nate practically had to carry me through the last mile. But, it's official, I made it INTO THE BOB! (bob marshall/great bear wilderness to be precise) And let me tell you, those trail "dogs" as they call themselves don't have that hard of life. I think they are exaggerating with their disgusting stories about defecation and bears. They have a flushing toilet, a bunk house with cots, a huge kitchen and dining room, and...the woods! Trail crew doesn't look so hard to me. Especially when your visitors pack in gallons of liquor for you to enjoy. Nate made it in with approximately 2.5 gallons. I can do those parts without stress: drinking, standing around a fire, cooking various meats in hot oil, watching the stars come out, avoiding mosquitoes, playing cards, showing off magic tricks, "bathing" in the glacial stream, making up words to rap songs ;), kissing coworkers, and writing letters. The part about axes, whatever that fancy word for an ax is, chopping and digging stuff, yeah, not so sure about that.

I would gladly go back. To the woods.......!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Down With Noxious Weeds

This is how we take care of that pesky task called weeding in Montana. Free the sheep! These dudes are actually paid by the state to herd their sheep down the highway and over the hills.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Is This a Joke?

Wow, and I thought nothing could be worse than Dick Cheney. Here's a couple of community pillars for you. I'm sure their heterosexual marriages are in great shape.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Know What I Did Last Summer or My Other Car is a Pirate Raft

Time for summer ruminations. I miss the pirate raft! Apparently, it fell apart at the end of last year. I only got to ride on it once, but a once I'll never forget.

Last summer on July 3, I left Missoula at 11:30 p.m. and drove the 200 miles or so to Bozeman. I thought I lost my dog, cried, almost drowned, said "Beer me" way too many times, got a ridiculous sunburn, was photographed in a swim suit and didn't even care, (should have because it ended up on the Internet of course), drove back to Missoula at 6:00 on the fifth and tried to get through the work day. Ah, the joys of youth!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Two Favorites

I can't get enough of this site. One of the writers from The Onion started It's the funniest site I've seen in a long time. They have literally thousands of ecards to browse, all sarcastic as hell. I think you might find how similar they ring to your workplace, friends, etc. It's wild. I have spent way too much time reading the cards. Everything I say now has the ending "I bet there's an ecard for that..." It's not the solution anymore, it's the problem. And I love it.

Ring a bell?

The other favorite is this dude Pogo and the song Alice. It's so addicting, I can listen to it over and over. Anyone else care to share their recent favorites?

I'm loving Patti Griffin, Be Good Tanyas. I finished Anthem, great short read, trying my hardest to get through Eat. Pray. Love., it's very boring once you get past Italy.

Still waiting for summer...